Wednesday, July 13, 2011

Huffman-Ramirez arrogance growing

The wife of a high ranking city official, Public Safety Director Darren White, was involved in a automobile accident. The investigating officer placed a check mark in a box under "apparent contributing factors", indicating the driver was "under the influence of drugs or medication".

The box was checked reportedly, based on an admission made by the driver. She admitted to taking prescribed birth control and seizure control medication.

Sometime later, the Journal asked the city; Mayoral PIO Chris Huffman-Ramirez, for a comment on the checked box and the suggestion that the driver was under the influence. Ramirez's wise-ass response is the subject of this complaint.

Ramirez could have given the reporter a straight answer to a legitimate question.
Instead he got cute and offered
“Can you really be under the
influence of birth control pills?”

Never mind that the question was not about birth control, but rather about a drug, Lamictal, whose instructions imply the possibility of real impairment. The Journal reports, link, taking the drug

“may cause blurred vision or impair your thinking or
reactions. Be careful if you drive or do anything that
requires you to be alert and able to see clearly”
- like driving a car.

So whose side is Huffman-Ramirez on? The answer is so
obvious, the question seems rhetorical.

The answer is; like so many other PIOs; his job is to spin the
truth and divert attention, to cover the asses of high ranking
city officials (and their wives).

Apparently White has made non-specific complaints about the
conduct of "city personnel" at the scene. An investigation has
been ordered, though it will take "weeks" to complete. No
explanation was offered as to why a seemingly simple investi-
gation should take weeks - other than to let interest and public
awareness subside.

The situation is so tense that the officer has hired an attorney
to protect him from retaliation by the city. The Journal reports
that when asked about "history" between the officer involved
and White, Ramirez did not respond.

Huffman-Ramirez is so confident in his immunity from censure
for betraying the trust of those who pay his salary, he doesn't
even try to hide it.

Huffman-Ramirez could offer as an excuse that, he is just doing
his job; though history is punctuated by a number of people,
who in similar situations, told their bosses to take their jobs and
shove them. No job is worth sacrificing your honor and betraying trust.

Mayor Richard Berry, of course,
cannot hide behind the same excuse.

Berry accepts and enables Huffman-
Ramirez' dishonest handling of
legitimate questions about the public
interests and the public service of
politicians and public servants.

This rot apparently, starts at the

photos Mark Bralley

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Ron Bell was pulled over and accused of the same prescription drug issued as Dareen White's wife. Unlike Mrs. White, Bell never wrecked his car, yet these same hypocrites helped charge and punish him to the full extent of the law.
But Darren White’s wife got a get-away car with lights and siren driven by her own husband? She was then given 24 hours to flush her system before she had her urinalysis. Ron and other citizens were not and should sue the city for discrimination of not being a relative.
The royal court of Mayor Barry continues it's policy of offering diplomatic immunity to it's political appointees and their families.
White releases a statement saying his wife's drug test (no DWI test taken) was within tolerances, but they did not say which tolerance or that she tested negative. And 24 hours later it did not matter. How offensive for White to show and intimidate his police and fire employees to bully his way to whisk her away.