Monday, July 25, 2011

Arnold-Jones calls Lewis out.

CD1 Candidate Dan Lewis has distributed a fund raising email in which he accuses his only Republican opponent of "... resorting to platitudes ... to defend her positions.

I suspect that if Lewis takes advantage of his Republican opponent's intention to debate the issues candidly, forthrightly and frequently; he will find her positions resting on more than platitudes. He will have his hands full. Perhaps that is why he has chosen an email as the venue of attack rather than face to face.

He, a Pastor, cannot extend to her,
even the simply courtesy of using
her name in his attack.

Her name is Rep Janice Arnold-Jones.

And in any head to head debate, her
intellect and experience will make her
a formidable opponent. Lewis has
more to worry about than platitudes.

Lewis should know that, and perhaps that's why he was compelled to attack her positions in an email, rather than in a venue where she can defend her positions and he must defend his.

When the honest debating begins, if it ever does, you will her
ready, willing and able. I suspect he may be harder to find.
That says something about her and about him, and about the
service they will provide.

photo Mark Bralley

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Good post, Ched. I had seen a copy of the fund raiser email, actually, on Facebook and was wondering about some of the content. I've seen Arnold-Jones in action and 'pandering' doesn't come to mind. Wish more public servants could be as forthright.