Friday, May 16, 2008

There needs to be another strategy in the war against public corruption

To the winner goes the spoils;
control of public power and resources.

The control over power and resources that belong fundamentally to all of us,

rests instead, in the hands of public "servants".

And they refuse to give it back.

The current strategy in the blogosphere is
to attack simultaneously everywhere.

It isn't working.

It makes more sense to attack simultaneously
at the weakest point; for example

The Albuquerque Public Schools Board of Education

seven public servants who have decided that their conduct
and their competence as public servants will not be audited.

If they can be defeated in their effort to avoid an audit;
a precedent will be set;

It will be proven that

some number of people can storm the castle and precipitate a forensic audit.

If a two hundred people can successfully storm the castle at 6400 Uptown Blvd, it will be proven; that it can be done.

And then maybe a few thousand people could storm city hall.

Followed by tens of thousands storming the round house.

To be followed by hundreds of thousands of people storming Washington DC.

What is the downside of;

meaningful standards of conduct and competence for public servants within their public service?

What is the downside of;
holding them accountable to those standards by a system they do not control, and powerful enough to hold them accountable even against their will?

There is no downside.

Unless you are a public servant, and you are corrupt,
or incompetent, or both.

A full scale forensic audit is the only proof of their willingness to be held honestly accountable for their (mis)conduct, and their (in)competence.

There is no equivalent gesture.

And there is no better place, and no better time
to stand up to the privileged class,

and wrest back control over power and resources that are ours.

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