Tuesday, February 25, 2020

Character, courage, honor, and higher standards of conduct than the law.

There is a difference of opinion on the standards of conduct to which school board members and senior administrators are, and should be held accountable.

  • Standards; clear and unequivocal
  • Accountability; due process wherein a stake or interest holder can hold a school board member or senior administrator actually and honestly accountable under a process assuring a principled resolution.

Willingly or not, holding oneself accountable to the law is required by the law.

Holding oneself accountable to the law means holding oneself accountable to the lowest standards of conduct acceptable to civilized human beings.

The law is the enunciation of the standards of conduct that the entirety of higher standards of conduct, is higher than.

Holding oneself accountable to higher standards of conduct than the law requires character and courage and honor in proportion to what the recently deleted standards of conduct would call a person of character’s “willingness to do more than the law requires and less than the law allows”.

Should APS School Board Members
  • Expect students to model and promote honest accountability to higher standards of conduct than the law? And if they do,
Should stake and interest holders
  • Expect school board members and senior administrators to step up as role models of honest to God accountability to the same standards of conduct that they establish for, and enforce upon students?

More importantly, should this decision be made in secret;
behind closed doors, without recording and without oversight?

One last question; why is none of this of any interest to the people who are supposed to be informing the Democracy?

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