Tuesday, June 03, 2014

Stand with APS students on Character Counts! They need you

Character Counts! trainers used to give kids t-shirts after completing their Character Counts! training.

On its front and back it read;

Stand up for what you believed in;
even if you are standing alone.
Students in search of good character cannot be left to search alone.

What children and students in the APS need is;
  • adults behind them, encouraging their effort,
  • adults beside them, sharing the load, and
  • adults in front of them, leading by personal example.
    What students have is;
    • nothing.  
    APS cannot point to the expenditure of one single dime, literally not one dime, on any district wide effort to develop students' good character.

    Not that there are not good role models among the adults who work in classrooms and schools.

    It is that;
    there is not one single role model of honest accountability
    to the Pillars of Character Counts! in the entire senior leadership of the APS.

    There is not one school board member;
    there is not one senior administrator,
    who will stand up and swear;
    I will hold myself honestly and actually accountable
    to the same standards of conduct
     (the Pillars of Character Counts!, link
    that I have established and enforce upon students.
    When the question is;
    will you be held honestly and actually accountable
    as a role model of student standards of conduct?
    any answer except yes, means no.

    The leadership of the APS cannot point to any due process under which they are accountable, actually, honestly accountable to student standards of conduct; in this case, a nationally recognized, accepted and respected code of ethical conduct.

    Show up at the school board meeting tomorrow.

    No spray paint, no screaming
    no yelling, no violence.

    Just "the people" showing up
    and wondering together aloud
    and out loud;

    Why are APS students
    expected to model and
    promote actual, honest
    accountability to a nationally recognized, accepted and respected
    code of ethical conduct, while school board members and
    senior administrators are not?

    Let's show the board what it looks like when stake and interest holders go to a public meeting to petition their government for redress of their grievance;
    90,000 APS students are being systematically denied
    any opportunity to learn about higher standards of conduct
    than the law.  They are being systematically denied
    other higher standards which they might then choose to embrace as adults.
    The Journal, KRQE, KOAT and KOB TV are yet to investigate and report upon credible evidence, manifest evidence, and allegations of an ethics and accountability scandal in the leadership of the APS.
    If the establishment press won't help, it will have to be done without them.

    If you know someone who might be upset
    at the abdication en masse of the entire senior-most
    role models in the APS, tell them about the meeting.

    Wednesday (before 5 pm if you want to sign up to speak)
    6400 Uptown Blvd.

    Brad Winter safely retired; spending still secret

    Come see what your tax dollars have bought
    instead of new roofs on dilapidated classrooms, link.

    If the standards we expect children to embrace include
    character and courage and honor; someone is going to
    have to show them what they look like.

    If we expect students to hold themselves
    honestly accountable to meaningful standards of
    conduct and competence, someone is going to have
    to show them what that looks like. 
    Don't worry that your children never listen to you,
    worry that they are always watching you. unk
    the trouble is, when people say
    "somebody should do something"
    they always mean
    someone else should do something.
    The leadership of the APS doesn't want to step up as role models of honest accountability to the Pillars of Character Counts!.

    They role model instead; accountability to the law, the standards that all higher standards are higher than.  And only then after burning through an unlimited budget to buy all the legal weaselry they can buy, in an effort to litigate exception for themselves, from even the law.

    If the leadership won't lead;
    it's time for new leadership.

    photos Mark Bralley

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