Every year, the APS School Board Passes an Open Meetings Resolution. They intend to discuss and act on one tomorrow night, link, Wednesday, March 20.
It has not been discussed in committee - it is a last minute deal. The agenda was posted ten minutes before the deadline. They provide no link to the resolution and therefore no opportunity for community members to examine it before they pass it.
Update; after this post was published, a link to the resolution appeared on the agenda.I expect that they will pass a resolution that provides only the 24hrs agenda notice that meets the current minimum required by the NM Open Meetings Act.
Update; as I suspected, it is their intention to provide only 24 hours notice.They could pass a resolution in line with HB21, legislation providing for 72 hours notice. The bill has passed both houses and is waiting for the Governor's signature. They could but they won't.

The resolution, if it doesn't provide for 72 hours notice, will test the mettle of the two new members, Don Duran and Steven Micheal Quezada, who are headed for a steamrolling.
photo Mark Bralley
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