Saturday, January 08, 2011

Every administrator in the APS not corrupt or incompetent

I was trying to explain to the Democratic Women of Bernalillo County and their guests, that unsolved problems with the education of students in the APS, has to do with corruption and incompetence in the leadership of the APS.

I could see on one woman's face, what I felt was insult;
as if ; she either was, or respected, an APS administrator
and I had said, all APS administrators are corrupt

I did not say that, I have never said that.

There are good and decent men and women who work in
the administration of the APS. They are perhaps some of
the greatest victims of all; their good reputations are tarnished
by the administrators who really are incompetent or corrupt.

Good and decent administrators do not fear a district wide
impartial standards and accountability audit. They have
nothing to fear. They should welcome the audit that
cleanses their ranks.

There is no ethical reason to oppose an impartial audit,
with the possible exception of cost, which is inconsequential.

There are only unethical reasons to oppose an impartial audit.


Michelle Meaders said...

"There is ethical reason to oppose an impartial audit, with the possible exception of cost, which is inconsequential."

Did you mean, " ethical reason..."?

ched macquigg said...

I did.

Thank you very much Michelle.