Saturday, September 25, 2010

Esquivel's plan

School Board President, open government lawyer, and thug, Marty Esquivel has "revoked" my First Amendment rights to attend and participate in School Board meetings. He did so by means of a letter that is being enforced by a new compliant and corruptible Chief of Police Steven Tellez who is backed up by a whole bunch of police officers that at some point swore to defend the Constitution of the United States

and who now find themselves facing the wrong way on the steps leading to a school board meeting.

It is becoming apparent that Esquivel never intended to offer "due process" at a meeting to "restore" my Constitutional rights. Instead he will illegally order sworn police officers to deny the exercise of the rights of dissidence, until hell freezes over.

APS Police Officer Rohlf in a video grab I took of him "defending the constitution" by telling me that not only was I not going to be able to use my ticket to the Eldorado HS Gubernatorial Forum, but that if I didn't leave campus entirely and immediately, he was going to take me to jail. (the date stamp on the photo is incorrect)

The Constitution in the hands of the leadership of the APS;
in good hands, or what?

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