Friday, November 20, 2009

Non-specific solutions for specific problems.

New Mexico has a few problems.

Everyone who is running for governor says they intend to solve them.

But they don't say how they intend to do it.

No one will lay a plan on the table that will make ethically redacted public records immediately available.

No one will lay a plan on the table that will make government as transparent as it can be made.

No one will lay a plan on the table that will make it impossibly difficult to hide corruption and incompetence.

No one will lay a plan on the table that will hold politicians and public servants within their public service, honestly accountable to meaningful standards of conduct and competence, and even against their will.

Unless we want to rely upon serendipitous solutions,
solutions will need to be planned.

There needs to be plans.
Solutions follow plans; detailed plans; explicit plans.

Why not?

Why can we not ask to see their plans?

Why won't they surrender them for critical comparison,
except that, their plans don't compare.

Or don't exist at all.

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