Sunday, June 14, 2009

"Second gentleman" rakes in $2.08 a year.

According to a state salary data sheet kept by the Journal link,
taxpayers are paying Herb Denish $2.08 a year to be
"second gentleman".

Barbara Richardson is paid $2.08 to be "first lady".

Slightly more outrageous would be the salary of
the "First Lady's Assistant" who makes $108K, or
the Governor's Chef, who makes $94K, both of whom are
paid more than the State Auditor, who makes a measly $85K.

In comparison, Bill Richardson makes $110K (above the table)
to be governor; $33K less than his Chief of Staff.

I wonder if it is time to review the salaries of everyone whose
salary is paid by taxpayers, to see if their salaries make sense
and are even remotely justifiable.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

It is practice in many states that if the public has heartburn over Elected officials salaries, then they say they will keep their salaries where they are, then augment their per diems and their expenditure accounts, which usually can be used any way they see fit, and often exceeds their salaries.
In Florida, the county chairman had personal expenditure accounts that exceeded her $80K salary and she used funds from such accounts to pay for her mortgage, dinners with her husband, vacations, etc...
I bet this old trick plays pout in NM as well. So some people get $2.00/ year...I bet their expenditure and reimbursement budgets are astronomical!