Thursday, August 14, 2008

Does this make me a crack pot?

I wore an elephant mask to two board meetings.

At the second of those two meetings, I was arrested for the sixth time,

by a public funded, private police force that is accountable only to the leadership of the APS.

I was illegally arrested for exercising my constitutionally protected human right to free speech, and my right to petition my government.

I did nothing illegal, nor more importantly, any thing unethical.

All I have ever done, is to point publicly to the absolute lack of real accountability in the leadership of the APS.

Bill Richardson says, the leadership of the APS has an earned statewide reputation for its lack of (financial) accountability.

Marty Chavez says, the lack of accountability in the leadership of the APS is so great, as to warrant changing the law to allow him to appoint his own school board.

I say, there is a lack of accountability in the leadership of the APS that is so great that they will not even discuss it, and

and a lack of standards and accountability so great that they cannot survive an honest and impartial accountability audit, or even talk about one, and

I am labeled a crack pot, and worse.

I have never done anything at a board meeting that I would not be proud to have witnessed by any of the many thousands of students that I taught that

... their character really does count.

And yet, I am a crack pot, and worse.

this sucks.


Unknown said...

It makes you unique, or at least in the minority. Sheep that jump off a cliff, following the majority of the herd, may be heard calling you whatever, Shepard. Let them bleat.

Staying on that hill, telling the lost and scared sheep where the chasm of morals is, and just singing the refrain in the storm and walking that proud walk that shows the flock where the ground is safe to walk. That is you. Let them bleat.

Unknown said...

Moreover, an elepahant remembers for others, sees the dynamic, knows the old trails, where to go during moral drought and during character plenty. An Institutional Memory for the moral amnesiacs in power for APS.

Those who follow the old Elephants survive, and those who go off with the chaos of quick plenty, not heeding the thrumming sub-sonic advice of the Ethical Elders?

Tusks and Hooves for the Reaper, and meat to rot for no reason at all, unused potential lost to the mirage and heat of the false prophets of the Golden Cow.

Greed in its many forms lures them, yet you still thrum and send your message, even through the catcalls and rotten eggs thrown on you, making them unto stains of moral battle, badges of your courage, proudly worn in support of RIGHT.