Tuesday, April 17, 2007

How did your representative on the aps school board vote?

A decision has been made. It affects anyone who considers themselves a stakeholder in the Albuquerque Public Schools.

A request was been made for the records of the investigations into public corruption in the APS Police Department.

A decision has been made to obstruct that request by seeking escape from accountability to the New Mexico Inspection of Public Records Act; by using public funding for education instead to fill the coffers of Modral; who then defeats the NMIPRA through onerous and ethically indefensibly lucrative litigation.

A decision has been made to use public money to protect public corruption from being exposed.

This represents my request for information from my representative on the school board, Mr. Marty Esquivel.


How did you vote on the decision to use taxpayer support for education to pay Maes/Modral to protect Gil Lovato's public record from public knowledge?

The courtesty of a prompt, honest and unequivocal response would be appreciated.

Your constituent,

ched macquigg

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