Tuesday, November 07, 2006

So whadaya gonna do about it?

The little kid points out that the school yard bully is cheating. The bully asks, so whadaya gonna do about it? And the pretty much ends it.

Republican precincts get shorted ballots. So whadaya gonna do about it? The county clerk singly most responsible for the mistake, a manifestation of incompetence or corruption, will be promoted. She will enjoy a larger salary for a position in charge of even larger and more important elections. So much for accountability by voter.

Having disproved the illusion of accountability by voter; we are left with no accountability at all.

What ever has happened will happen again, and again, and again. Democrats will do it, Republicans will do it, Greens will do it, …

The problem isn’t the party, it is the system.

The system allows incompetence and corruption because it provides no honest accountability even for the most egregious misconduct.

Accountability is fatal to incompetence and corruption. It is not provided because accountability is not in the interests of those whose political existence depends upon a lack of accountability.

The first step to righting that which is wrong with public service, is to provide honest accountability for public servants; even against their will.

We can begin with the Albuquerque School Board, whose position against honest accountability is utterly indefensible. They are defended only by the Albuquerque Journal and Tribune, who together help to keep their dirty little secret.

Let’s hold them honestly accountable to a meaningful standard of conduct; even against their will.

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